Supported Employment services are designed to help individuals overcome barriers to employment and achieve meaningful and sustainable work opportunities within the community. These services play a vital role in promoting social inclusion, enhancing self-esteem, and fostering independence for adults with I/DD. The ultimate goal of Supported Employment is to help adults with I/DD achieve sustainable and meaningful employment that aligns with their aspirations.
What you can expect from our Supported Employment Services:
- Person-Centered Approach: Supported Employment takes a person-centered approach, focusing on the individual’s strengths, skills, interests, and preferences. Employment specialists work closely with the individual and their support network to develop a personalized plan that aligns with their vocational goals.
- Job Discovery and Customization: Employment Specialists engage individuals in a process of job discovery to identify potential job opportunities based on the individual’s strengths and preferences. Jobs are often customized to match the individual’s skills and needs, ensuring a good fit.
- Job Development: Employment Specialists collaborate with employers to create job opportunities that accommodate the individual’s abilities. This may involve negotiating job duties, hours, and workplace modifications.
- Job Coaching: Once employed, individuals receive on-the-job training and support from job coaches. Job coaches provide assistance with learning tasks, developing work-related skills, and navigating workplace dynamics.
- Long-Term Support: Ongoing support is a crucial element of Supported Employment services. Job coaches continue to work with the individual and the employer to address challenges, provide guidance, ensure job retention, and support career advancement opportunities.
- Community Integration: Supported Employment promotes the integration of individuals with I/DD into the broader community workforce. This inclusion not only benefits the individuals but also contributes to a diverse and inclusive work environment.
- Self-Advocacy and Empowerment: Individuals are encouraged to develop self-advocacy skills and make informed decisions about their employment. This empowerment enhances their ability to communicate their needs and preferences in the workplace.
- Collaboration: Supported Employment services often involve collaboration among the individual, their family or natural support network, vocational rehabilitation professionals, and employers. This collaborative effort ensures a comprehensive and effective approach to employment.
- Benefits Counseling: Employment Specialists will provide resources for benefits counseling to help individuals understand the potential impact of employment on government benefits and how to navigate these changes.
- Education: Educating employers on the advantages of hiring individuals with I/DD involves dispelling myths, showcasing success stories, and emphasizing the positive impact on company culture. Additonal education focuses on fostering a culture of empathy, addressing biases, and promoting effective communication to create an inclusive workplace.
Funding sources for Waves Supported Employment Services include:
- DIDD 1915c Waivers (
- Employment Community First Choices (ECF) (
- Vocational Rehabilitation through the Department of Human Services (
- Private Pay